It involves a lot of trial and error and fiddling


Why Band Members Need to be Able to Read Music

If every member of the band can read sheet music, it makes it easier to communicate problems, such as a section of a song that is just not quite right. When you play in rehearsal, you want to work through all possible mistakes so that when you play live it is perfect. Reading music provides a better understanding of music in all its forms. Writing music uses a universal language of symbols that can be used to play any instrument. As opposed to a vocalist, those playing instruments are not limited to producing one note at a time. An instrumentalist will need to play chords and complicated rhythms.

Very few players . It involves a lot of trial and error and fiddling around on your instrument trying to duplicate what you have listened to. This is valuable time that is needed for rehearsal, especially if you take your band seriously and aim to play to live audiences or produce albums. Leave tinkering to the individual in their own time. That said, learning to play by ear can be accomplished with practice.

With an unfamiliar song, you will need to refer back to the sheet music to play difficult parts and check that you have the chords right, or you could unknowingly be making mistakes and putting your performance at risk.

As soon as you get two or more musicians together, those who can read music will be speaking a different language to those who can’t. How then can you guarantee a compatible band with synergy if the basis of your communication is compromised?


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